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제4차 한-아세안 싱크탱크 전략대화 환영사

홍현익 국립외교원장

『Welcoming Remarks on 2022 ASEAN-ROK Think Tank Dialogue』

Honorable ambassador Pou Sothirak, Executive

Director of Cambodian Institute of Conflict and Peace,

Esteemed ambassador LIM Sung-nam

Distinguished experts from ASEAN Think Tanks,

Participants from Embassies of ASEAN countries in Seoul, and Korean Embassies in ASEAN,

Excellencies, Distinguished guests, and ladies and gentleman

Good Morning,

November is the perfect time to enjoy beautiful autumn in Korea, so I am very glad that you have made a visit to Seoul at this good time of the year. 

Please allow me to extend my warmest welcome and sincere gratitude to all the distinguished experts for taking their valuable time to join the 2022 ASEAN-ROK Think Tank Strategic Dialogue.

I am very delighted to hold in-person the ASEAN-ROK Think Tank Dialogue in Seoul in three years. 

[ROK Yoon Suk Yeol government foreign policy and ASEAN]

Upon taking office on May 10, the Yoon Suk Yeol government announced its key foreign policy objectives to make South Korea a ‘global pivotal state’ for the freedom, peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond.

At the same time, the Yoon administration aims to establish a mutually beneficial ASEAN-ROK relationship not only by expanding and deepening already robust economic cooperation but also by joining forces with regional partners in bolstering rules-based international order in the region.

In this context, we are participating in the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework and developing our own Indo-Pacific strategy with ASEAN at its heart.

ROK Foreign Minister Park Jin emphasized, in his meeting with ASEAN counterparts held in August in Phnom Penh, that “the ASEAN is a core part of the Indo-Pacific region and will naturally become the center of Korea’s new Indo-Pacific initiative.” Even though the U.S. and China have engaged in the long-standing and ever-intensifying strategic rivalry over the last two decades, Korea and the ASEAN could help each other and deepen our relations without any strategic burdens. So this Strategy will particularly focus on advancing mutually beneficial and future-oriented cooperation. It will be also anchored on the principles of the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific and grounded on our respect for ASEAN centrality.

In that sense, South Korea is now stepping up its strategic communication and upgrading our mutually beneficial relationship with ASEAN partners in order to achieve peace and stability amid a rapidly changing strategic environment in the Indo-Pacific Region.

[Today’s Dialogue]

Distinguished Participants!

In collaboration with ASEAN’s prestigious think tanks, the Korea National Diplomatic Academy established a new track 2 dialogue as a channel of expert communications and interactions in 2019, that is, ASEAN-ROK Think Tank Strategic Dialogue. This is part of our effort to join forces with ASEAN in exploring ways to overcome various challenges and to build a more sustainable partnership. 

Today, we have gathered here for the fourth ASEAN-ROK Think Tank Strategic Dialogue to continue the momentum of cooperation that we created in 2019. This is the first in-person “ASEAN-ROK Think Tank Strategic Dialogue” to be held under the Yoon administration. Today’s meeting will offer a timely opportunity to explore ways to further strengthen ASEAN-ROK strategic partnership under the Korea’s new Indo-Pacific initiative that is soon to be announced and put into action.

At the same time, I am convinced that distinguished experts from 10 ASEAN member countries participating in today’s gathering will provide intellectual insights, new ideas and constructive suggestions on how ASEAN and Korea can navigate the geopolitical uncertainties and complexities facing the Indo-Pacific.

Once again, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all of you participating in the fourth ASEAN-ROK Think Tank Strategic Dialogue. 

Thank you. /END/

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